Frontline and Cargill team up to advance cooking oil management for commercial kitchens
May 27, 2021
Frontline International has joined forces with cooking oil firm Cargill to develop the Kitchen Controller automated oil management system.
The solution leverages Cargill’s foodservice experience and oil quality knowledge with Frontline’s smart oil management equipment expertise and customer relationships, providing foodservice operators with an integrated, intelligent approach to oil management.
The Kitchen Controller system is designed to simplify cooking oil management by automating the oil filtering and replacement process. At the heart of the system, a fry vat sensor gathers oil quality data. The data is then analyzed by the Kitchen Controller proprietary software and fed to a touchscreen pad. Kitchen staff use the green, yellow and red on-screen indicators on the touchpad to take action with the oil. This helps to ensure consistency and quality of fried foods and improves profitability.